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SportsMetrics is the first ACL Injury Prevention Program that is scientifically proven. It was created by a team of athletic trainers, physical therapists and researchers, under the direction of Dr. Frank Noyes. Sportsmetrics™ is the foundation upon which sports-specific skills are built. Sportsmetrics™ is the first ACL injury prevention program scientifically proven to decrease serious knee ligament injuries in female athletes. With Anterior Cruciate Ligament, or ACL, injury rates that are 2-10 times higher in female athletes than in male athletes.

Sportsmetrics™ is not just another plyometric training program. Jumping drills are used to teach the athlete to preposition the entire body safely when accelerating (jumping) or decelerating (landing). The selection and progression of these exercises are designed for neuromuscular retraining proceeding from simple jumping drills (to instill correct form) to multi-directional, single-foot hops and plyometrics with an emphasis on quick turnover (to add sport-like movements).

Performing maneuvers with sound mechanics decreases the likelihood of an injury, and it is also essential to maximizing sport performance. A solid foundation of strength, coordination and overall physical conditioning is required for athletes to attain their highest potential in their sport-specific skills. Train with Sportsmetrics™ to reduce your risk of injury AND enhance competitive athletic performance.

To begin, download the SportsMetrics Jump Training log.

You can click on any of the links below to view examples of the different techniques to be performed. Please remember that proper, sound mechanics are critical. Advancing through each of the techniques and steps is dependent upon performing each stage correctly.

  • 180 Jump

    Picture of sportsmetric 180 Jump
  • Bounding for Distance

    Picture of sportsmetric Bounding for Distance
  • Bounding in Place

    Picture of sportsmetric Bounding in Place
  • Broad Jump

    Picture of sportsmetric Broad Jump
  • Cone Jump Front to Back

    Picture of sportsmetric Cone Jump Front to Back
  • Cone Jump Side to Side

    Picture of sportsmetric Cone Jump Side to Side
  • Cone Jump Front to Back

    Picture of sportsmetric Cone Jump Front to Back
  • Jump into Bounding

    Picture of sportsmetric Jump into Bounding
  • Jump Jump Jump Vertical Jump

    Picture of sportsmetric Jump Jump Jump Vertical Jump
  • Scissor Jump

    Picture of sportsmetric Scissor Jump
  • Single Leg Hop, Hop Stick

    Picture of sportsmetric Single Leg Hop, Hop Stick
  • Single Leg Jump

    Picture of sportsmetric Single Leg Jump
  • Squat Jump

    Picture of sportsmetric Squat Jump
  • Step Up, Down, Vertical Jump

    Picture of sportsmetric Step Up, Down, Vertical Jump
  • Tuck Jump

    Picture of sportsmetric Tuck Jump
  • Wall Jump

    Picture of sportsmetric Wall Jump

Other Sports Medicine Related Links

Useful Links

  • Picture of American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons
  • Picture of American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine
  • Picture of American College of Sports Medicine
  • Picture of The Anterior Cruciate Ligament Study Group (ACL)
  • Picture of The Herodicus Society
  • Picture of ESSKA Executive Office